COST: $25
Interested in starting a meditation practice but don’t know where to begin? Or, do you struggle with constant mind chatter, attention deficit, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure or insomnia? Then this workshop is for you!
In this class you’ll:
-Learn the goal of meditation (it might not be what you think!)
-Be introduced to the basics of various meditation techniques
-Learn how to sit properly for meditation (on the floor or in a chair)
-Practice Breath, Relax, Feel, Watch and Allow meditation
-Receive a link to a guided mantra meditation to support you at home
-Learn how to create a deep state of relaxation and a calmer mind through the practice of meditation.
You will walk away with the tools you need to build your own at-home practice, which you can carry with you for a lifetime! This class is perfect for students new to meditation or for students who would like to refresh their practice.