Teacher: Taylor Haaf
Cost: $40 Workshop #1 only; $125 for 4 workshop series
Ever heard of Ayurveda and wondered what is was, or know a little but are interested in learning more?
Have you ever wondered what a Dosha is or what Vata, Pitta and Kapha really mean for you?
Come join us as we explore this ancient health system and learn techniques for balancing your life through Dinacharya (Daily Routines), Yoga Practices for each Dosha and ways to eat more in line with your constitution. Register for all four workshops at a discount or come to the ones that interest you most! Attendance at the first workshop is recommended, but not required.
Introduction Workshop: October 8
Workshop #2 - Vata Dosha: October 15
Workshop #3 - Pitta Dosha: October 29
Workshop #4 - Kapha Dosha: November 5
In this introduction, we will discuss what Ayurveda is, how the Five Elements come into play to create each Dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) as well as how to recognize imbalance and techniques to re-align. We will talk through and experience different Dinacharya (Daily Routines) and each participant will leave with their own tools to begin implementing these routines at home!
*This workshop will be primarily discussion based with minimal asana practice.