What You Really Should Know About Mid-Day Work Breaks

I know you don’t have time to take a break right now to read why it’s important to take a break.  You have stuff to do.  I completely get it - I used to feel the same way.  But I don’t anymore.  

What if I told you that taking a break won’t make you less productive and put you behind in your work?  It’s quite the opposite, actually … regular breaks help you be more efficient and productive so you can get things done quickly!  I know it feels counterintuitive, but you don’t have to push through muscle tension, chronic stress and constant fatigue to be on top of your game.  Are you ready to improve your mood, overall well-being and productivity? 

This workday break approach will restore energy, reduce anxiety, and prevent burnout without leaving you feeling guilty.  You’ll be on top of your game in no time.    

Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking a Break

Don’t you hate it when people tell you to “ take a break” and you know you should, but the amount of guilt you’ll feel stepping away is too overwhelming?  Yeah, I hate that too.  One of the best ways to stop feeling guilty is to recognize the reasons why taking a break is so important.  Numerous studies and scientific data show that breaks during the workday:

  1. Keep you from getting bored and unfocused.  The human brain wasn’t built to handle long periods of focused time because it’s wired to take in tons of information at all times for our survival.  Thank you brain! The good news is that it only takes a short break to “reset” the brain.  When you take a break, you actually end up being more productive!

  2. Create “Ah-Ha” moments.   Ever try to force an answer to come to you when you are working hard at a task or project?  You sit there and stew over it, only to have that answer “pop” into your mind after you stepped away from the task?  We need our subconscious to help us solve problems, and the only way to trigger it is to step away and give the focused mind a break.  

I used to worry that if I took a break, I was indirectly telling my boss that I was lazy or that I couldn’t handle the pressure. However, now that I understand the science behind breaks (and can share that with a superior - which is ME right now!), there is no reason to feel guilty. Breaks are not only good for me, they are good for the workplace. 

Schedule and Communicate Your Breaks

Picture this: The alarm goes off, you make a cup of coffee, drag yourself to your home office in your robe and slippers, and get to work.  Before you know it, it’s 3:00pm and you haven’t stood up in over 6 hours.  Yep - I get it.  I’ve done this too.  My problem?  If it’s not on my calendar, I just don’t do it.  So here’s my easy solution - put two break blocks on your calendar (one in the morning and one in the afternoon - and don’t skip lunch either!) and then treat those like any other meeting, because it’s just as important!  And be sure to tell your coworkers, family, pets and neighbors (or whoever else you need to tell) that you are on a break so they don’t inadvertently interrupt your break time.

Keep Your Breaks Positive and Productive

Not every break is created equal. Some can be less productive than others.  It all depends on what you need in the moment.  Before jumping into your go-to break routine, take a moment to check in by taking few deep breaths and then asking yourself: 

  • How am I feeling physically? 

  • Where is there tension in my body? 

  • Will moving help me feel better? 

  • Is my mind tired or does it need to be engaged?  

  • Do I need human interaction? 

  • What will bring me joy right now? 

This check-in will help you determine the type of break that you need in order to return to work recharged and focused.  Maybe you need to exercise, meditate, call/video chat with a friend, play a game on your phone, or work on a puzzle. The options are endless as long as your break makes you happy and feel balanced and satisfied.     

There you have it! My go-to daily break approach to balance out your physical body, reduce stress and enhance creativity. You now have the tools to take productive breaks throughout the day in order to be your best self!


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