Teacher: Essie Laflamme
Cost: FREE (suggested donation - $10)
In-Person only Back Room
Do you love Yoga? Do you love to dance like nobody's watching? If so, please join Essie Laflamme, Kripalu certified Yoga Dance instructor and “Let your Yoga Dance” into Spring!
Yoga Dance is for everybody and no experience is required! It is adaptable for all ages and all fitness levels. The 7 energy centers, (chakras), provide the foundation for this dance of yoga.
The body, mind, heart and soul all get a workout! We become grounded and steady as we flow and let go. We energize and empower our bodies. We open our hearts, we connect and we find grace. The result: a blissful body, a joyous heart, and a steady and quiet mind.
Yoga Dance integrates the physical, emotional, artistic and spiritual dimensions of our being and provides a safe space and a holistic approach to our well being. It’s as joyful as it is healing. The emotional heart is strengthened along with the physical heart. Yoga Dance increases flexibility and muscle tone. It’s meditation in motion set to great music from across the world that spans all generations.
And if that isn’t enough .. It’s easy and .. it is F U N !!
Meet Essie LaFlamme
The positive energy of emotions I experience during Yoga Dance allows me permission to be my authentic self. I love the inexplicable childlike feelings of joy and bliss so much and these emotions and sense of wholeness have guided me toward sharing my experience with others. Yoga and dance became a conduit into a neverending spiritual path. The energy through song and dance relates so well to my love in being a Reiki practitioner and in all energy studies as a whole.
My love for dancing traces all the way back to my earliest memories. I survived high school by waiting for Friday night dances! Rhythm and movement have always provided me with a means of expression. No matter what was happening in my daily life, dancing and energy work always stayed as a constant backbone. Becoming a certified Kripalu Yoga Dance teacher was a divinely orchestrated direct result. Combining yoga with dance .. for someone like me, who could ask for anything more?
Prayer in motion, meditation in motion, unadulterated joy in motion. A moving celebration of spirit. My gratitude cannot be put into words.
I divide my time between Western MA and Santa Barbara CA, and I happily dance my way from coast to coast!
To learn more please visit my website; sweetechostories.com