Teacher: Ilana Beigel
Cost: $30
In-Person only - Back Room
Take your asana practice to the next level (whatever that means to YOU!) with curiosity, joy, and confidence.
Balancing poses can be liberating and teach us about our inner strength, resolve, and power … and also playfulness, courage, fearlessness, and agility. Balancing poses are empowering and illuminate a lot about how we approach life on and off the mat.
As we learn the fundamentals and foundations of balancing and explore more complex balancing poses (on your feet and on your hands), you will learn to incorporate these postures into your practice with enthusiasm and ease.
Poses we can play with (key word = play) include tree variations, dancer, eagle, half moon, hand to toe, side plank, crow, side crow, flying pigeon, firefly, eight angle, forearm balance, and flying splits.
Come with a playful attitude and no expectations - let’s have some fun!