Yoga for Stress & Anxiety: 10 Postures to Calm Down Quickly

When stress and anxiety take over, it’s pretty easy for me to get caught up in my head where I’m completely focused on my past actions or worried about the future.  I can spend hours just ruminating over difficult conversations and analyzing what I should have done differently.  It’s sort of like I forget I have a body because I’m living from the neck up.  

Have you ever felt this way? 

If so, you probably know exactly how it feels to be stuck in a thought loop for hours at a time, worrying about the past or thinking about the future, and not actually finding relief or resolve. It’s exhausting!  Thankfully there’s a way we can slow down our overthinking mind and reduce our anxiety - simply by moving!  Today I’m sharing 10 yoga poses you can do right now to bring your awareness to the present moment, slow down your nervous system and reduce your anxiety.  

And the best part? 

No prior yoga experience is required!  If you can breathe, you can do these poses! 

The Present Moment & Your Body

The present moment is all we have - where life is happening - right here and right now.   

When you’re physically somewhere, but your mind is bouncing between thoughts of the past or the future, you are not living in the present moment.  You’re worried about what could have been, what you wished had happened or what you could have done differently.  Or, you are trying to anticipate what’s to come - what will be, what could be, and the dreaded what if.  And all this thinking triggers your brain to think you are unsafe, which revs up your nervous system to prepare for the worst.  You’re left feeling scattered, nervous, fearful and anxious.    

But, what you need to remember is that the past can’t be changed and the future hasn’t actually happened yet.  The only place where you actually exist is in the present moment.  When you focus your awareness on the “here and now”,  your racing thoughts about the past or future no longer have power, which will relax the body and mind, allowing you to feel more free to experience life to the fullest.

And the only thing we have in the present moment is our body and our breath.  

And in my opinion, the best way to bring your body back into balance is to practice yoga.  Yoga asks you to bring your awareness to your body and mind, letting go of thoughts from the past and future - it is truly the practice of staying present. When you focus on how your body is moving and how you are breathing, your brain triggers your nervous system to slow down.  This causes your muscles to relax and your mind to quiet, which will help you feel more grounded and at ease.  And of course there are so many other wonderful benefits of moving your body too!   

And certain poses are also designed for more inward reflection to help your brain make this switch with more ease.  The poses I share below are designed to ground your energy and quiet your mind.  

Use these poses to reduce your anxiety during an anxious moment, or to build a practice around staying present.  Try them before bed to unwind or first thing in the morning to set yourself up for the day.  Use them to take a break around lunch or to unwind after work.  However you decide, take 5 minutes a day to focus on your body and breath in these postures to reduce your anxiety, feel grounded and happier.    

10 Postures to Reduce Your Anxiety

Before you begin, it’s important to center the body and mind.  From a seated position, feel free to close your eyes or soften your gaze.  Take a deep inhale through your nose and then open your mouth, gently sighing out the exhale. Repeat three times or until you feel settled.  

1 . Seated Sun Breaths

Sit with your legs crossed. Lengthen your spine by stretching upward. Inhale, raise your arms out and overhead. Exhale, release your arms out and down. Repeat 3x.

2. Easy side bends

Sit with your legs crossed. Lengthen your spine by stretching upward. Inhale, raise your arms overhead and bend to the right. Bring your right hand to the floor. Repeat on the left side. Connect your movement with your breath. Inhale arms up, exhale over. Repeat 3x.

3. Easy Twists

Sit with your legs crossed. Lengthen your spine by stretching upward.  Inhale, reach your arms up.  Exhale, bring your right hand behind you and your left hand to your right knee to twist your torso to the right.  Inhale to reach arms up to center, exhale and repeat on the left.  Connect your movement with your breath - inhaling arms up, exhaling to each side.  Repeat 3x. 

4. Cat Cow Stretch

Come to a table-top position. Inhale, lift your tailbone, soften your belly toward the floor and raise your chest and head. Exhale, lower your chin to your chest and tuck your tailbone to arch your spine up like a cat. Let the breath move the spine like a wave, back and forth. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. Child’s Pose

From table, bring your big toes together and widen your knees to the edge of your space. Press your hips back toward your heels and lower your forehead to the floor or some sort of support. Reach your arms in front. Bring your awareness to the breath and feel the back rise and fall as the belly moves in and out. Stay here for 5-10 breaths.  

6. Rag Doll Forward Fold 

From table position, slowly step your feet up and stand with your feet hips-distance apart, bending your knees slightly. Let your head and neck hang or hold on to opposite elbows and then sway your torso from side to side. Let your back of the neck be soft. Shake your head "yes" and "no" to let go of any tension and fully surrender into the pose.  Take 3-5 deep breaths here and then slowly round up to release.

7. Tree Pose

From standing, shift your weight to your left leg.  Slowly lift your right knee and turn it out to the right.  Place your right foot on the inner left ankle with toes on the ground, inner left shin, or inner left thigh (do not place your foot on the knee joint).  Bring your hands to your heart, balance and breathe.  Repeat on the left side.  

8. Bound Angle

Come back to sit and bring the soles of your feet together, letting the knees drop open.  Bring your hands to your shins, ankles or interlaced under the toes.  Exhale and forward fold as much as feel comfortable.  Release into your back body.  Hold and breathe for 3-5 breaths. 

9. Supine Twist

Lie on your back with your legs long.  Draw your right knee into your chest.  Hold your knee with your left hand as your right arm reaches out to the side from your shoulder. Gently draw the right knee toward the left side of your space, rolling the hip and leg. Look to the right if that's comfortable for your head and neck. Stay here for 3-5 breaths and then switch sides. 

10. Legs up the Wall

facing forward, bring your hips to the wall, with your knees slightly bent.  Slowly roll onto your side and then back as you swing your legs up the wall so your heels and sitting bones are supported. If there is any discomfort in your lower back, adjust your body slightly away from the wall. Rest your head and reach your arms by your sides, with your palm face up. Close your eyes and soften your face.  Breathe here for 5 or more minutes to fully relax. 

There you have it!  Ten postures you can do right now to reduce your anxiety and feel less anxious. 


8 Yoga Postures for Tight Hips


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